Tampereen Seudun Keskuspuhdistamo Oy has chosen Watrec Ltd. to design the biogas plant that will be built to the new central sewage treatment plant in Sulkavuori, Tampere. The contract for the project was signed on Wednesday 13.6.2018 by the CEO, Timo Heinonen, of Tampereen Seudun Keskuspuhdistamo Oy and the CEO, Juhani Suvilampi, of Watrec Ltd. The design work will start immediately and the project should be carried out by the summer of 2019.


Tampere region will construct new central sewage treatment plant that will treat wastewater from the municipalities of Kangasala, Lempäälä, Pirkkala, Tampere, Vesilahti, and Ylöjärvi. The project will be the largest environmental project in the history of Tampere region. Plant’s capacity is for the wastewater of 430 000 inhabitants. The treatment plant should start operation by 2024.


The central sewage treatment plant decided to use anaerobic treatment to process the generated sludge. The produced biogas from the treatment process will be utilized to cover part of the plant’s own energy consumption. Nearly 60 % of the electricity needed yearly and 90 % of heat energy can be generated with biogas.


The design project carried out by Watrec Ltd. includes process engineering, design engineering, electrical and instrument design, and HVAC design. The aim of the project is to design a plant that serves the needs of both the technical and financial needs of Tampereen Seudun Keskuspuhdistamo Ltd. as extensively as possible.

The design project is a demonstration to Watrec’s comprehensive services. The company has solutions for every step of waste processing projects ranging from market surveys, environmental permit applications, and plant design to EPC-projects. “As a company at the age of 15, we have proven ourselves to be a leader in the design and implementation of biological treatment processes,” notes the CEO, Juhani Suvilampi.